Saturday, November 12, 2022

Do present day Sanatanis really rever cow ?

Sanatanis pride themselves in proclaiming that they revere all forms of life in general and cows in particular. It indeed speaks highly of the moral values that were laid out for them by their forefathers. But how is the implementation of these values on ground in current times. 
To put it rather bluntly, cow belt Hindus are the biggest hypocrites in entire world.
They portray to themselves and to the world that they are great cow lovers and put them in the same bracket as their mothers, but in reality they just love their milk . They subject her to all form of torture just for her milk. It includes impregnating her against her wishes, putting her on lease for a better part of her milch life, separating her from her male offsprings , injecting hormones to squeeze that last drop of milk from her udders and may be more which am not aware of.
 As soon as her body wilts under this cyclic torture and plunder and she is no longer able to rear offsprings , the revered Gau Mata is abandoned. Now she will either become a 'plastic' cow or be kidnapped by slaughterers .
Cow belt Hindus have never ever shed blood for saving their lives. Lip service for cow welfare is their only expertise. Instances of shedding blood for protecing cows in history has been accomplished by Sikhs and Marathas. Haven't ever heard of any cow belt Hindu who did so.

Get well soon, cow belt Hindus.

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